A few years ago, I finally saw the devil.
Throughout my whole life, he was the one who was manipulating me with his tricks and ruining me.
At first, I wasn't really sure...
But the more time passed, the more my life and Iman got worse.
I was a lost, misguided Muslim, who couldn't battle his horrific addictions and keep healthy relationships with anyone.
And Subhanallah, I started to slowly drift from Allah...
This wasn't just happening to me.
It was happening to my friends, family, EVERYONE.
And I'm sure it is happening to you too.
So I started searching...
Looking for solutions, reading the Qur'an and studying the devil for so many years I finally know where he loves to hide and what are his favorite whispers.
Everything started to fall back into place:
- I finally kicked my pornography addiction.
- I finally have a loving wife that I'm so grateful for.
- I finally have the BEST relationship I could ever have with Allah.