The Devil Is All Around Us - You Just Cannot See It

It loves to hide.

And it loves to whisper.

From the day you were born, it's been always there.

He acts as your friend and he distracts you with things you know you are not supposed to do.

And his mission is to grab you, ruin you, and ultimately throw you into the gates of hell.

But you still cannot find him.

You cannot see him in the social media that you scroll through.

You cannot see him on the television that you watch.

You cannot see him when you're out with your friends.

And you DEFINITELY cannot see him in all the enticing alluring depravity that exists online.

He Loves To Enter Your Heart Through Whispering

First, he discovers what your weaknesses are.

Second, he starts whispering in the back of your mind.

And third, he's doing it gradually, whisper by whisper, to slowly convince you and misguide you from the path of Allah.

It's what's happening to the world now.

The more the days pass, the more I see young brothers and sisters being lost...

Not knowing how to deal with the devil

If You Defeat Him - Your Life Will Change

A few years ago, I finally saw the devil.

Throughout my whole life, he was the one who was manipulating me with his tricks and ruining me.

At first, I wasn't really sure...

But the more time passed, the more my life and Iman got worse.

I was a lost, misguided Muslim, who couldn't battle his horrific addictions and keep healthy relationships with anyone.

And Subhanallah, I started to slowly drift from Allah...

This wasn't just happening to me.

It was happening to my friends, family, EVERYONE.

And I'm sure it is happening to you too.

So I started searching...

Looking for solutions, reading the Qur'an and studying the devil for so many years I finally know where he loves to hide and what are his favorite whispers.

Everything started to fall back into place:

- I finally kicked my pornography addiction.

- I finally have a loving wife that I'm so grateful for.

- I finally have the BEST relationship I could ever have with Allah.

He Has Three Favorite Whispers - This Is His First One

His strongest whisper is lust.

He loves to use it against us Muslims so he can start ruining our relationships with other people.

The way he whispers with lust is mostly with online pornography.

However, if you figure out when he does it, how he does it, you can say goodbye to committing Zina for good.

When you kick this, here are the benefits:

- A higher sex drive

- More intimate relationship with your partner

- More energy and better sleep

- A lot less anxiety, doesn't matter what type

His Second Favorite Whisper

This might be the most common one.

He loves to whisper MISINFORMATION about Islam and Allah.

You can see this everywhere on the internet.

Doesn't matter what platform it is, you will always find someone saying this about that and vice versa.

And the way he tricks them is by giving them the ego to speak about something they know NOTHING about.

This is why it's so important to learn more about Islam and not fail for this type of trick.

Because the devil motivates you to not improve your knowledge.

Do not trust the media, and never do, the devil has corrupted the whole world so you have to watch out to whom you are listening.

When you figure this out in my book "The Shaytan Is Watching" - this is what you'll learn:

- Deal with the Shaytan and not fall for his tricks

- Improve your Iman and relationship with Allah

- Clear out your soul and make the path to Jannah easier

- Gain knowledge about Islam and know when somebody is spreading misinformation

Before You Buy - Let's Talk About His Third Whisper

This one so far, is the most mysterious.

He encourages negligence in prayers if you have a business.

If you have a business or are looking for ways to earn money, he will start to whisper to you that if you go to prayer, you might miss some customers, he keeps concerning you about money and your work so you cannot find time to pray and pay Zakat.

He will keep reminding you about all these three whispers until the prayer time has perished.

You will learn how to resist all these whispers and more in my book "The Shaytan Is Watching".

See What My Friends Had To Say:

  • Fatima Khan

    "I just got my hands on probably the most important piece of information you can ever get in our time."

  • Ahmed Zahir

    "As someone who was trying so hard to understand why the world is evil, everything is clear to me now."

  • Mirnez Kareli

    "I thank Allah for finding this site and reading this message - I am awakened."

  • Samir Wahab

    "I finally got rid of my pornography addiction because this book made me realize all those urges I had were from the Shaytan himself"

Why Am I Telling You This?

I don't want you to go through the same thing I went through.

And I don't want us Muslims to be defeated by the devil.

Society will try to BAN this book because, by today's standards, it is FORBIDDEN.

It's because they want to get rid of us.

This is why I'm calling out to you, my brothers and sisters, we must not lose this battle!

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